
a project led by Francesca

Murialdo with Naomi

House, Jason Scoot,

Michael Westthorp,

and Gareth Williams –

comprises a series of

collaborative projects

with local stakeholders to

explore the future of the

area. Interiors Futures

@ Middlesex University, London

friends & links

> OneKilburn 
> Kilburn Neighborhood Plan Forum

img©️ Iwona Porebska
OFF-GRID, Brief + PROJECTS FOR Interior Architecture Y3

Y3 Ba(Hons) Interior Architecture and Ma Interiors [Architecture + Design] briefs are focusing on the area of Kilburn and, specifically, on the building at 107 Kingsgate Road which is a former Community Center that has been closed for the few past years.
Kilburn is a very interesting area, multi-ethnic and rich in history - is currently undergoing different regeneration projects that will affect its character.

The building at 107 Kingsgate Road is owned by Camden Council which is currently exploring what a ‘community centre’ means in the future, what it should encompass, who should be addressed to and how will it sustain itself. 

Find on this page
*the brief COMMERE.CULTURE.EXCHANGE for MAInteriors [Architecture + Design]
*projects for 107 Kingsgate

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